I have always been a keen vegetable gardener. If I go over and speak to my Spanish neighbour Jacinto it is essential to have a good vocabulary about the vegetable garden so I can understand what he is saying and to know what to do when he give me some seeds and explains how to grow them.
Spanish |
English |
una huerta | a vegetable garden |
producir flores y semillas antes de tiempo | to bolt |
resistente a las heladas | hardy |
está al tallo | it has gone to seed |
tallo | stem, stalk |
terreno fértil | fertile ground |
regar | to water |
podar | to prune |
flores (de arboles frutales o ornamentales) | blossom |
malas hierbas | weeds |
maceta | plant pot |
suelo | soil |
ácido, neutro o alcalino | acidic, neutral or alcaline |
plaguicida, el pesticida | pesticide |
fósforo calcio magnesio molibdeno boro | phosphorus calcium magnesium molybdenum boron |
carencias de nutrientes | lack of nutrients |
estiércol | manure |
el fertilizante, el abono | fertilizer |
una hortaliza, las hortalizas | vegetable, garden produce |
aspersor | sprinkler |
una azada | a Spanish hoe |
las semillas | seeds |
una helada precoz | an early frost |
sembrar | sow |
conservar | store |
el invernadero | greenhouse |
la cosecha, la recolección | the harvest |
una raíz, raíces | root, roots |
arrancar una planta de raíz | to pull a plant up by its roots |
el pulgón | greenfly |
oruga | caterpillar |
una motocultor, la motoazada | Rotovator |
un surco | a furrow |
hormonas de enraizamiento | rooting powder |
turba | peat |
lombriz | worm |
verduras | vegetables |
los semilleros | seedbeds |
el cepellón | root ball |
aclarar | to thin out |
enterrar | to bury |
Si se siembra muy superficialmente puede ser que la semilla se seque y no germine. | If you sow the seed very close to the surface it can dry out and not germinate. |
sustrato | the growing medium |
fibra de coco | coconut fibre |
la perlita o la vermiculita | perlite or vermiculite |
babosa, caracol | slug, snail |
esparcir las semillas | scatter the seeds |
regadera | watering can |