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Basic Restaurant Vocabulary

Basic Restaurant Vocabulary

Note: The note below refers to Spain (I am not sure about South America)

la carta (note "el menu" means the fixed menu not the list of all available dishes).
If you don't want a "menu del día" ask for "la carta".

menu del dia (normally you can choose from 3 or 4 options for each course. Bread and a drink are normally included)

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The first line is in English
The second line is in Spanish.

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of restaurant words in Spanish.

Related Links
Going to a Spanish bar in Spain
Page about Spanish Cuisine

The Contents

first course
main course
plato principal
Things the waiter says
Cosas que dice el camarero
What would you like to drink, eat?
¿para beber, comer?
Have you finished?
¿ha terminado?
Would you like to order?
¿quiere pedir?
Anything else?
¿Algo más?
The Spanish potato omelette is very tasty.
La tortilla es muy rica.
Things you say to the waiter
Cosas que se dice al camarero
Excuse me (to attract the waiter's attention)
We'd like to order.
Queremos pedir
well done, medium, rare
muy hecho, en su punto, poco hecho
What is there for dessert?
¿qué hay de postre?
Are there any free tables?
¿Hay mesas libres?
Where are the toilets?
¿Dónde están los servicios?
Do you have any ........?
¿Hay ..?
Can I have the bill please?
La cuenta, por favor.
Do you have a table for four people?
¿Tiene una mesa para cuatro personas?
I have a reservation for Maria.
Tengo una reserva para Maria.
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