

Note: Some of these expressions are only used in The British Isles and I can only guarantee that they are used in Spain not necessarily South America. They are the result of a notebook which I kept when I first arrived in Spain.



 ¡Anda ya!

Pull the other one.


Cheer up!


Keep your hair on!

 ¡Date prisa

Hurry up

 ¡De verdad!


 ¡Jesús! (cuando alguien estornuda)

Bless you!

 ¡Qué cara!

What a cheek!

 ¡Qué lío!

What a mess!

 ¡Qué timo!

What a rip off.



 ¡Ten cuidado!

Watch out!

¿Cómo es eso? ¿Por qué?

How come ?

 A propósito

By the way

 borracho como una cuba

Pissed as a newt

 Cierra la puerta

Were you born in a field/barn?

 Cruzando los dedos.

Cross your fingers.

 De nada.

You're welcome.

 Déjame en paz

Leave me alone

 Dime cuanto (para comida o bebidas)

Say when

 En mi opinión

To my mind

 Estás de broma.

You're kidding.

 Hablando del rey de Roma

Talk of the devil

 Ligar con alguien

Chat someone up

 Lo mereces.

It serves you right.

 Más vale tarde que nunca

Better late than never

 Me estás tomando el pelo.

You're pulling my leg.

 Me suena.

It rings a bell.

 No faltaría mas/Por supuesto

By all means

 No me extraña

No wonder

 No tengo ni idea

I haven't got a clue.


If only

 Pagar en efectivo

To pay cash

 Qué aproveche.

Bon apetit.

 Quédate con el cambio.

Keep the change.

 revelar un secreto

Let the cat out of the bag

 ser despedido

Get the sack

Siéntete como en tu casa

Make yourself at home


Help yourself

 Tengo que irme.

I must be off.

 Tocando madera

Touch wood.

 Tomamos la penúltima

Let's have one for the road

 Tú eliges.

It's up to you.

 una aguafiestas

A wet blanket

 una libra

A quid

 una resaca

A hangover

 Yo también

Same here