This is the second most common nouns in Spanish or in the range from 100 to 200.
The vocab is taken from a word frequency list. It is not perfect because many of the words have multiple meanings. Words with several meanings will get higher up the list because they will appear more often in frequency testing.
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The first line is word in English
The second word in Spanish
Use this lesson to learn the second 100 most popular nouns in Spanish.
esta regla esta dividida en pulgadas y centímetros.
a voice
una voz
you have a very attractive voice
tienes una voz muy atractiva
the energy
La energía
Solar energy is a renewable energy.
La energía solar es una energía renovable.
a brother
un hermano
I have two brothers
tengo dos hermanos
an egg
un huevo
Simple Recipes: How To Make Fried Eggs
Recetas sencillas: cómo hacer huevos fritos
a walk
un paseo
Do you want to go to walk?
¿Quieres dar un paseo?
a square
la plaza
Where is the main square?
¿Dónde está la plaza mayor?
a region
una región
How many regions and provinces does Spain have?
¿Cuántas regiones y provincias tiene España?
a wave
una ola
the second wave is starting
la segunda ola está empezando
a candle
una vela
I want a scented candle
quiero una vela perfumada
The total number item in this lesson is 100 - You can only see 50
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