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The 100 most common nouns in Spanish

The 100 most common nouns in Spanish.

The words come from a word frequncy list of the most used nouns in Spanish.

What is a noun?

a noun is a word that identifies a person, place or thing.

What types of nouns are there?

General Grammar Information.

Common noun

A common noun is a noun that refers to people or things in general, e.g. girl, region, mountain, country, month, hatred.

Proper noun

A proper noun is a name that identifies a particular person, place, or thing, e.g. Martin, Europe, Paris, Friday. In English and Spanish , proper nouns begin with capital letters. There are differences between English and Spanish. In Spanish you don't use capital letters with, days of the week, months of the year and languages.

Concrete noun

A concrete noun is a noun which refers to people and to things that exist physically and can be perceived with the senses eg touched smelt etc. Examples include cat, office, tea, rose, thunder, road, song.

Abstract noun

An abstract noun is a noun which refers to ideas, qualities, and conditions - things that cannot be touched or seen and things which have no physical reality, e.g. liberty, anger, freedom, truth, dignity, honour, love, generosity, charity, democracy.


We are not going to explain the grammar of Spanish nouns in this lesson because it is good to train the part of the brain which observes and makes use of the information. However you should be aware that Spanish nouns are either masculine or femenine which determines the use of articles. When you look at the examples notice the use of

Un, una, la, el, los, las.

In English we use the possessive with parts of the body. EG: My arm, his leg, her head. In Spanish we use the definite artice. (the) el brazo, la pierna, la cabeza etc

A noun in Spanish is a "sustantivo".

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The first line is word in English
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Use this lesson to learn the 100 most popular nouns in Spanish.

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The second 100 most common nouns in Spanish.

The Contents

the water
el agua
A glass of water
Un vaso de agua
a man
un hombre
An old man
Un hombre mayor
the animals
los animales
20 animals in danger of extinction
20 animales en peligro de extinción
a mother
una madre
his mother is French
su madre es francesa
the world
el mundo
The end of the world
el fin del mundo
a car
un coche
a very expensive car
un coche muy caro
the father
el padre
my father is rich
mi padre es rico
a job
un trabajo
my job is difficult
mi trabajo es difícil
the back
la espalda
my back hurts
me duele la espalda
a day
un dia
the first day of the year
el primer dia del año
the wine
el vino
I drink a lot of wine
bebo mucho vino
a name
un nombre
Names for boys and girls
Nombres para niños y niñas
a line
una línea
A phone line
una línea de teléfono
the children
los niños
He has two children
tiene dos niños
a thing
una cosa
An important thing
Una cosa importante
a day
un día
day of the week
día de la semana
the air
el aire
air conditioning
aire acondicionado
a number
un número
number one
número uno
a person
una persona
he is a famous person
es una persona famosa
a word
una palabra
my favorite word
mi palabra favorita
a call
una llamada
there is a call for you
hay una llamada para tí
a list
una lista
the first in the list
el primero en la lista
the earth
la tierra
we live on Earth
vivimos en la tierra
a head
una cabeza
I have a headache
me duele la cabeza
a page
una página
a web page
una página web
a country
un país
Spain is a country
España es un país
the children
los niños
The children go to school
Los niños van a la escuela
a flower
un flor
A flower is a plant.
Una flor es una planta.
the Sun
el sol
The sun shines a lot
el sol brilla mucho
the eye
el ojo
My eye hurts
me duele el ojo
a city
una ciudad
Madrid is a city
Madrid es una ciudad
the tree
el árbol
The tree is very tall
El árbol es muy alto
the farm
la granja
There are animals on the farm
Hay animales en la granja
the history
la historia
history is interesting
la historia es interesante
the mountain
la sierra
He lives in the mountain
Vive en la sierra
the sea
el mar
the sea is blue
el mar es azul
the afternoon
la tarde
it's a quarter past four in the afternoon
son las cuatro y cuarto de la tarde
the newspaper
el periódico
I read the newspaper everyday.
Leo el periódico todos los dias.
the night
la noche
It starts at eight at night
empieza a las ocho de la noche
the life
la vida
My life is happy
Mi vida es feliz
the science
la ciencia
I like science fiction
Me gusta la ciencia ficción
a room
una habitación
a room with two beds
una habitación con dos camas
a friend
un amigo
I have an English friend
tengo un amigo inglés
the mountains
las montañas
Where are the mountains?
¿Dónde están las montañas?
a horse
un caballo
a horse without a name
un caballo sin nombre
the colors
los colores
the colors of the flag
los colores de la bandera
a face
una cara
he has a very ugly face
tiene una cara muy fea
the wood
la madera
it's made of wood
es de madera
the children
los niños
there are 5 children in the class
hay 5 niños en la clase
an example
un ejemplo
she is an example
ella es un ejemplo
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