Apart from its most common literal meaning of "to throw out" or "to expel", "echar" is also used in a large number of expressions and phrases. On this page we include some of the most common and useful ones.
Spanish |
English |
pimienta de Jamaica | allspice |
anís | anise |
albahaca | basil |
una hoja de laurel | a bayleaf |
borraja | borage |
alcaravea | caraway |
cardamomo | cardamom |
pimienta de cayena | cayenne pepper |
perifollo | chervil |
chile | chili |
cebollinos | chives |
canela | cinnamon |
clavos | cloves |
cilantro, coriandro | coriander |
comino | cumin |
curry | curry |
eneldo | dill |
hinojo | fennel |
fenogreco, alholva | fenugreek |
finas hierbas | fines herbes |
ajo | garlic |
jengibre | ginger |
enebro | juniper |
melisa | lemon balm |
limoncillo | lemon grass |
macis, macia | mace |
mejorana | marjoram |
menta | mint |
mostaza | mustard |
nuez moscada | nutmeg |
orégano | oregano |
pimentón dulce, paprika | paprika |
perejil | parsley |
pimienta | pepper |
hierbabuena | peppermint |
semillas de amapola | poppy seeds |
romero | rosemary |
azafrán | saffron |
salvia | sage |
ajedrea | savory |
semillas de ajonjolí/sésamo | sesame seeds |
menta verde | spearmint |
estragón | tarragon |
tomillo | thyme |
cúrcuma | turmeric |
vainilla | vanilla |
molido | ground |
entero | whole |
semillas | seeds |
granos de pimienta | peppercorns |
polvo chile en polvo | powder chili powder |
vaina de vainilla | vanilla pod |
un trozo de canela en rama | a cinnamon stick |
hebras de azafrán | saffron strands |
¡Ábrete sésamo! | Open sesame! |
No me importa un comino. | I couldn't care less. |
ser canela fina Este vino es de canela fina. | to be exceptional This wine is pure nectar. |
dormirse en/sobre los laureles | to rest on one's laurels |
el que se pica ajos come | if the cap fits, wear it |
echar/soltar ajos | to swear |
estar metido en el ajo | to be mixed up / to be involved in something |
¡Ajo y agua! | I'll/You'll/She'll have to put up with it. |