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SMS abbreviations translated to Spanish

SMS abbreviations translated to Spanish.

To be honest this lesson is a novelty item.
Some of the sentences are higher than the level of this course but some of the content is interesting.
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The first line the SMS abbreviation
The second line is the full meaning in English
The third line is the translation to Spanish
The fourth Line is an example sentence in English
The fifth Line is the previous line translated to Spanish
Use this lesson to see the Spanish translation of common SMS abreviations.

The Contents

As soon as possible
cuanto antes, mejor
it must be fixed as soon as possible
hay que arreglarlo cuanto antes.
Be right back
vuelvo en seguida
I have to take this call but I will be right back.
Tengo que atender esta llamada pero vuelvo en seguida
Laughing my ass off
me muero de risa / partirse el culo de risa
I laugh my ass off with his joke
me muero de riso con su chiste
Laughing out loud
reírse en voz alta
I am laughing out loud at the joke.
Me estoy riendo en voz alta del chiste
No problem
Sin Problema
Don't worry, you can go, no problem
No te preocupes, puedes ir sin problema
Oh my God
Ay Dios Mio
Oh my God I have so much work.
Ay Dios Mio, tengo mucho trabajo
Bye for now
Hasta luego / Adiós por ahora
Good luck and bye for now
Buena Suerte y hasta luego
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