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Third 5 verbs in Spanish

The third top five verbs in Spanish

We are going to practice the most common verbs in Spanish.

The examples are all in the present.

This lesson is for people with a low level of Spanish who want to quickly get used to Spanish verbs.

If you can't use the verbs in this lesson you will never learn Spanish.

If you think learning these verbs is too boring.

Just give up learning Spanish. You are not going to be able to do anything without them.

It would be like a car without wheels.

They are the fundamental building blocks that you need.

Using this lesson you should at least learn exactly how they are formed and their conjugation.

The subject (person or thing that does an action) is in brackets because the subject is not usually used in Spanish because it is contained/indicated in the verb.

The five verbs are:

To know  - Conocer

To come  -  Venir

To give - Dar

To speak - Hablar

To find  - Encontrar

To take - Tomar

Note: Saber and conocer can both be translated to ‘to know’ in English. This can make them confusing.
Saber is used to talk about facts or things you have learned. For example to know how to drive, draw, speak French, etc.
Conocer is used to say that you are familiar with a person, place, or thing. For example a book, a film,  a person.

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The first line is an English sentence -
The second line is the translation in Spanish.

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your Spanish vocabulary.

Related Links
The first Five verbs
The second Five verbs
The 100 most popular verbs in Spanish

The Examples

I know (someone)
(yo) conozco
you know (someone) (familiar singular)
(tú) conoces
you know (someone) (formal singular)
(usted) conoce
he / she knows (someone)
(él / ella) - conoce
we know (someone)
(nosotros / nosotras) conocemos
you know (someone) (familiar plural)
(vosotros / vosotras) conocéis
you know (someone) (formal plural)
(ustedes) conocen
they know (someone)
(ellos / ellas) conocen
I come
(yo) vengo
you come (familiar singular)
(tú) vienes
you come (formal singular)
(usted) viene
he / she comes
(él / ella) viene
we come
(nosotros / nosotras) venimos
you come (familiar plural)
(vosotros / vosotras) venís
you come (formal plural)
(ustedes) vienen
they come
(ellos / ellas) vienen
I give
(yo) doy
you give (familiar singular)
(tú) das
you give (formal singular)
(usted) da
he / she gives
(él / ella) da
we give
(nosotros / nosotras) damos
you give (familiar plural)
(vosotros / vosotras) dais
you give (formal plural)
(ustedes) dan
they give
(ellos / ellas) dan
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