Common expressions with PONER

PONER: useful phrases and expressions

Poner". It often means "put" (to place in a position) but it is also used in may different expressions and in many ways which do not exist in English. It is very common and is a highly irregular verb so it is a good idea to learn the conjugation. The list of examples below contains the most common ways that we can use can use "poner" We have put the full conjugation of "poner" on a web page click here to see it.

¿qué le pongo?What would you like? (in a bar or restaurant)
una guía para ponerse al día en lo último de la informática.A guide for getting up to date on the latest in information technology.
ponerse de rodillaskneel, get on ones knees.
ponerse de punta en blancoto get all dolled up
tiene que ponerse a régimenhe has to go on a diet
el semáforo se puso amarillothe traffic light went amber
se puso a lloverit started to rain
no te pongas asídon't get like that (probably when someone gets angry or offended)
le pusimos Antoniowe christened him Antonio
las arañas me ponen los pelos de puntaspiders make my hair stand on end
¿qué ponen en el tele esta noche? What's on TV tonight?
¿lo ponemos a votación?Shall we vote on it.
no nos ponemos de acuerdo en nada we can't come to an agreement about anything
se han puesto de acuerdothey have come to an agreement
tener/llevar puestoto wear (clothes)
Lleva puesto un sombrero blanco y tiene bigotehe is wearing a white hat and he has a moustache
No llevó puesto su cinturón de seguridad He wasn't wearing his safety belt
sólo me lo pongo para las grandes ocasionesI only wear it on special occasions
¿te importa si pongo la televisión?Do you mind if I switch the TV on?
no pongo en duda su honestadI'm not doubting his honesty
antes de un examen me pongo nerviosísimaI get really nervous before an exam
suéltame o me pongo a gritar Let me go or I'll scream
me pongo furioso de sólo pensarloIt makes me angry just thinking about it
poner buena cara a (algo) to take something well
Juan parece ponerle buena cara a las dificultades por las que esta pasando. Juan seems to be taking the problems he having well.
poner por las nubesto praise to the skies
La crítica pone por las nubes a Harry Potter The critic praises Harry Potter to the skies
poner una denuncia to make a formal complaint
poner fin al alto del fuego to put and end to the ceasefire
poner un anuncio en el periodicoto put an advert in the newspaper
poner la mesalay the table
Poner en marcha to start, get going
su coche se negó a ponerse en marchahis car wouldn't start
de lava y pon, de lavar y ponerdrip dry (clothes)
las cosas se están poniendo serias things are getting serious
Cómo ponerse en contacto con nosotroshow to get in contact with us
le pusieron una multa por exceso de velocidadhe was fined for speeding
lo pusiste en un aprietoyou put him in a difficult position
pon que es cierto ¿qué harías entonces?supposing it is true. What would you do?