FOOD: Spanish Vocabulary
Some words connected with food in Spanish and English
Vocabolario per il cibo in Inglese e Italiano

Words connected with food in English and Spanish


This is a list of useful words and expressions connected with food in English and Spanish. There are many more words in the food glossary. (see link on the right) but these words will help you if you are talking about food or eating with Spanish speaking people.

a bitter taste un sabor amargo
A fad diet Una dieta de moda
a food allergy una alergia alimentaria
a healthy diet una dieta saludable
a healthy meal una comida saludable
Are you hungry? ¿tienes hambre?
breakfast, lunch, supper or dinner, desert, desayuno, almuerzo, cena, postre
Do you like hot (spicy) food? ¿Te gusta la comida picante?
Do you like noodle soup? ¿te gusta la sopa de fideos?
Do you prefer sweet or savoury? ¿Prefieres lo dulce o lo salado?
enjoy your meal, bon appétit ¡que aproveche!
"eat-as-much-as-you-like" restaurants restaurantes de bufé libre
Enjoying tasty meals with family and friends is a great pleasure in my life Disfrutar de sabrosas comidas con familiares y amigos es un gran placer en mi vida.
Fresh fruit and vegetables may not be sold to consumers if they have gone off or are rotten, blemished, dirty, damaged by pests, underdeveloped or, in the case of fruit, unripe Las frutas y hortalizas frescas no pueden venderse a los consumidores si están pasadas o podridas, magulladas, sucias, dañadas por parásitos, si son demasiado pequeñas o, en el caso de la fruta, si no están maduras.
glutton un glotón, un comilón
Have you tried the cheese? ¿has probado el queso?
I am hungry tengo hambre
I am starving hungry Estoy muerto de hambre
I am still hungry me quedo con hambre
I could eat a horse tengo un hambre canina
I have eaten too much he comido demasiado
Is English food as bad as they say it is? ¿Realmente la comida inglesa es tan mala como dicen?
it's bland, tasteless está soso, sin sabor
it's finger licking good es para chuparse los dedos
junk food comida basura
knife, fork, spoon, cutlery cuchillo, tenedor, cuchara, cubiertos
lay the table poner la mesa
make something to eat preparar algo para comer
my boyfriend is a vey fussy eater mi novio es muy quisquilloso para la comida
No thanks, I am full No, gracias, estoy lleno
Pass me the salt ¿me puedes pasar la sal?
protein, fat, carbohydrate proteina, grasa, carbohidrato
recipe, ingredients, a dish receta, ingredientes, un plato
salty, bitter, sweet, sour salado, amargo, dulce, ácido
The food crisis and world hunger are an increasingly serious issue. La crisis alimentaria y el hambre en el mundo constituyen un problema cada vez más grave.
there is no such thing as a free lunch las comidas gratuitas no existen, nadie da nada a cambio de nada.
to say grace bendecir la mesa
to secret of not getting fat is to chew each mouthful of food for 30 seconds before swallowing it. el secreto de no engordar es masticar cada bocado de comida durante 30 segundos antes de tragar.
vegetarian, vegan, coeliac vegetariano, vegano, celíaca
vitamins, nutrients, cholesterol vitaminas, nutrientes, colesterol
What do you fancy eating? ¿que te apetece comer?
what doesn't kill you will make you fat. (In my experience this expression is used when someone has eaten a little piece of a fly or some small foreign particle which has got into their food and one person says it to another meaning that eating a little bit of a it is not important so don't worry) lo que no mata engorda
Why do people like different foods? ¿porque las personas tienen diferentes gustos para la comida?
Would you like more potatoes? ¿quieres más patatas?

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