Gazpacho Recipe
Gazpacho Recipe
How to make a Spanish Gazpacho

Pealla Recipe

Gazpacho Recipe


Gazpacho is a cold tomato-based soup and is a speciality of Andalucía, served in restaurants and bars. In bars, it tends to be more liquid and is drunk from a glass whereas in restaurants it is normally served in a bowl with a garnish of chopped vegetables. Depending on who makes it, it can vary from a watered-down orange liquid without much taste to a deliciously refreshing drink. Being an ardent fan of tomatoes, gazpacho is my favourite soup.

The important thing is to chill it thoroughly before serving. Some people add ice but this tends to water it down too much. In Córdoba, they make a thicker variation called Salmorejo.

Once again, there are many different ways of preparing it but here’s my recipe:


  • 1½ kg red tomatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 green pepper, chopped
  • 2 - 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 small cucumber (or half a long cucumber), chopped
  • 1 small bread roll, soaked in water
  • olive oil
  • white wine vinegar
  • salt
  • water


There are two ways of preparing gazpacho: you can either use an electric food processor/blender and then pass it through a sieve, or you can use a food mill (a mouli). The important thing is to get rid of all the pips, skins, etc.

First, blend and sieve, or mill, all the vegetables into a large bowl. Then squeeze the water out of the bread roll and add to the tomato/vegetable mixture. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of vinegar. Season with salt and blend well. Check the taste and add as much water as necessary depending on whether you will be drinking or eating it with a spoon. Chill thoroughly before serving. If you are using bowls, finely chop some cucumber, green pepper, tomato, and hard-boiled egg to use for the garnish.

¡Qué aproveche!

Recipe By

There is a variation of gazpacho called Salmorejo

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