Learn Spanish with DONALD TRUMP
It is now the 4th of January 2017.Donald Trump said some crazy things on his way to being elected president. We have taken the translations from Spanish speaking newspapers and translated them back into English.
If you have an intermediate or above level of Spanish you can use them to learn some new vocabulary.
If Trump carries out most of what he said, the end of the world will be coming soon. Let's hope he was just joking!
The content of the flashcards
English | Spanish | English | Spanish |
find | econtrar | Las mujeres encuentran en mi poder y mi dinero algo muy excitante | Women find something very exciting in my money and power. |
to be born | nacer | Obama no es estadounidense. No sé dónde ha nacido. | Obama is not American. I don't know here he was born. |
a fraud | un fraude | el certificado de nacimiento de Barack Obama es un fraude | The birth certificate of Barack Obama is a fraud. |
pretty | guapa | No importa lo que los medios escriban de ti mientras tengas al lado a una mujer guapa con un buen culo | It doesn't matter what the media say about you as long as you have a pretty woman at your side with a nice arse. |
satisfy | satisfacer | Si Hilary Clinton no puede satisfacer a su marido ¿cómo piensa satisfacer a América? | If Hilary Clinton can't satisfy her husband. How does she think she can satisfy America? |
build | construir | Vamos a construir un gran muro en la frontera sur y México va a pagar por el muro. | We are going to build a great wall on the southern border and Mexico is going to pay for the wall. |
the victims | las víctimas | Las víctimas del ataque contra Charlie Hebdó habían tenido más oportunidades de defenderse si hubieran llevado armas encima | The victims of the attack on Charlie Hebdo would have had more opportunity to defend themselves if they had been carrying arms. |
punishment | castigo | Donald Trump se retractó de sus comentarios sobre el aborto, después de decir este miércoles que las mujeres que abortan deberían enfrentar \"algún tipo de castigo\" | Donald Trump retracted one of his comments about abortion, after having said this Wednesday that women who abort should suffer \"some sort of punishment\" |
a country | un país | Este es un país en el que hablamos inglés, no español | This is a country where we speak English not Spanish |
sheep | oveja | Sobre Mussolini: Es mejor vivir un día como un león que cien como una oveja | About Mussolini: It is better to live one day as a lion rather than one hundred as a sheep. |
shoot | disparar | Podría disparar a gente en la Quinta Avenida y no perdería votos | I could shoot at people in Fifth Avenue and not lose votes. |
hero | héroe | \"No es un héroe de guerra\", declaró Trump. \"Dice que es un héroe de guerra porque fue capturado. Me gusta la gente que no fue capturada\". | \"He is not a war hero\" Declared Trump. \"They say that he is a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured. |
again | de nuevo | Devolvámosle a los Estados Unidos su grandeza. Hagamos América grande de nuevo. Que América vuelva a ser grande. | Make America Great Again. |
a star | una estrella | Cuando eres una estrella puedes hacer cualquier cosa. Agarrarlas por el coño, lo que quieras | When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, whatever you want. |
a hoax | un engaño | el calentamiento global es un engaño creado por los chinos para hacer que el sector manufacturero estadounidense pierda competitividad | Global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese so that the American manufacturing sector would lose competitiveness. |
send | enviar | México nos envía a la gente que tiene muchos problemas, que trae drogas, crimen, que son violadores | Mexico sends us people with many problems, they bring drugs, crime and they are rapists. |