European Countries in Spanish
Learn the countries and capitals of Europe

Learn European Countries and Capitals

European Countries and Capitals

I have been playing pub quizzes recently and it is definitely a good idea to know the capital cities of all the countries. Within one day of learning these countries I met a girl from Latvia and was able to show off by knowing where Riga is. It is also a good idea to know some facts like these: The smallest capital in Europe is the Vatican with a population of between 500 and 800. The biggest is London with about 9 million. The country with most people in the European Union is Germany with about 81 million inhabitants. The population of the whole of Europe is about 740 million. The most visited place in Europe is Disneyland, Paris. The European Union, celebrates Europe Day on May 9th. Belarus is the only country in Europe that still has the death penalty on its statute book. Its last executions were in 2014. Russia is very big, it takes up forty percent of Europe’s land area.

It is fairly easy to learn the names of countries in Spanish because most of them are very similar, however there are some surprises for example Latvia is not Latvia in Spanish it is Letonia. The one I always confuse is Switzerland = Suiza and Sweden = Suecia because they are so similar.

Where are you from? in Spanish is ¿de dónde eres?
The answer is "Soy de (country name)"
Note: We use the verb SER to speak about nationality.

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English Spanish English Spanish
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Vaduz Vaduz
Hungary Hungría Budapest Budapest
Estonia Estonia Tallin Tallinn
Finland Finlandia Helsinki Helsinki
Malta Malta La Valeta Valletta
Bosnia Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Sarajevo Sarajevo
Czech Republic República Checa Praga Prague
Latvia Letonia Riga Riga
Bulgaria Bulgaria Sofía Sofia
Cyprus Chipre Nicosia Nicosia
Italy Italia Roma Rome
Belarus Bielorrusia Minsk Minsk
Netherlands Países Bajos Ámsterdam Amsterdam
Slovakia Eslovaquia Bratislava Bratislava
Kosovo Kosovo Pristina Pristina
Belgium Bélgica Bruselas Brussels
Poland Polonia Varsovia Warsaw
Romania Rumania Bucarest Bucharest
Sweden Suecia Estocolmo Stockholm
Iceland Islandia Reikiavik Reykjavik
Ukraine Ucrania Kiev Kiev
Lithuania Lituania Vilna Vilnius
Portugal Portugal Lisboa Lisbon
Switzerland Suiza Berna Bern
Monaco Mónaco Mónaco Monaco
Spain España Madrid Madrid
Serbia Serbia Belgrado Belgrade
Slovenia Eslovenia Liubliana Ljubljana
San Marino San Marino San Marino San Marino
Greece Grecia Atenas Athens
Croatia Croacia Zagreb Zagreb
Germany Alemania Berlín Berlin
Montenegro Montenegro Podgorica Podgorica
Russia Rusia Moscú Moscow
Macedonia Macedonia Skopie Skopje
France Francia París Paris
Albania Albania Tirana Tirana
Norway Noruega Oslo Oslo
Moldova Moldavia Chisináu Chisinau
Vatican Vaticano Vaticano Vatican
Austria Austria Viena Vienna
Andorra Andorra Andorra la Vieja Andorra la Vella
Luxembourg Luxemburgo Luxemburgo Luxembourg
Ireland Irlanda Dublín Dublin
Denmark Dinamarca Copenhague Copenhagen
United Kingdom Reino Unido Londres London