Learn the Imperfect of Estar
To see the full conjugation of the verb estar Click here
To use the verb estar correctly you will have to understand difference between ser and estar which both translate to "be" in English. There is a tutorial here
You can compare the use of estar in the imperfect with ser here
To use the verb estar correctly you will have to understand difference between ser and estar which both translate to "be" in English. There is a tutorial here
You can compare the use of estar in the imperfect with ser here
The content of the flashcards
What were you thinking?
¿En qué estabais pensando?
We were acting in the same place and had some pancakes together.
Estábamos actuando en el mismo lugar y tomamos unos pancakes juntos.
I don't know if you were listening to me.
No sé si me estabais escuchando.
Einstein was wrong when he said God doesn't play dice.
Einstein estaba equivocado cuando dijo Dios no juega a los dados.
We realised that something was wrong.
Nos dimos cuenta de que algo estaba mal.
I was playing the guitar when I received the news.
Estaba tocando la guitarra cuando recibí la noticia.
The witness didn't see anything because he was in the kitchen.
El testigo no vio nada porque estaba en la cocina.
They sang beautiful things.
Estaban cantando cosas bonitas.
That's why they were so happy there.
Por eso estaban tan felices allí.
I thought that you were playing a joke on me.
Pensé que me estabas jugando una broma.
The shop was closed before, but now it's open.
Antes la tienda estaba cerrada, pero ahora esta abierta.
There's a book called 'The man who was surrounded by idiots.'
Hay un libro llamada 'El hombre que estaba rodeado de idiotas.'
My mother was very ill.
Mi madre estaba muy enferma.
It seemed to me that you were sad.
Me pareció que estabas triste.
Do you remember when you weren't in love?
¿Os acordáis de cuando no estábais enamorados?
But weren't you listening?
¿Pero no lo estabais escuchando?
When did you tell your family that you were pregnant?
¿Cuándo dijisteis a la familia que estabas embarazada?
I knew that you guys were looking for me.
Sabía que me estabaís buscando.
Another young man told us that they were healthy.
Otro hombre joven nos dijo que estaban sanos.
Nobody suffered in the accident because they were all sleeping.
Nadie sufrió en el accidente porque todos estaban durmiendo.
The attack was motivated by money.
El ataque estaba motivado por dinero.
Ana, where were they?
¿Ana, donde estaban?
They were together and then they separated.
Estaban juntas y luego se separaron.
We weren't prepared for the news.
No estábamos preparados para la noticia.
She was excited about working with her husband.
Estaba emocionada por trabajar con su esposo.
We were exhausted and terribly hungry.
Estábamos exhaustos y terriblemente hambrientos.
We were trying to find out what had happened to Theo.
Estábamos intentando averiguar lo que le había pasado a Theo.
When we found them, they were scared.
Cuando les encontramos estaban asustos.
Where were you when everything was going wrong?
¿Dónde estabas cuando todo iba mal?
When we were filming that movie, we went to New York.
Cuando estábamos filmando esa película, fuimos a Nueva York
I was watching a match with my friends in a pub cuando I started to sing.
Estaba viendo un partido con mis amigos en un pub cuando empecé a cantar.
Two weeks ago we were with your sister.
Hace dos semanas estábamos con tu hermana.
Why were they in your car?
¿Por qué estaban en tu coche?