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Direct and Indirect Objects in Spanish

Warning: The grammar behind the examples in this lesson is quite hard to grasp especially for English speakers so we are just going to blast some sentences at you and hope your "Language Aquisition Device" can make some sense of it.

No explanations

I am intentionally not going to explain this lesson very well because we already have good tutorials for direct and indirect pronouns in Spanish and you can see links to them lower down.

We are going to expose your brain to some meaningful input and we hope you will start to make sense of it.

Like throwing spaghetti at the ceiling and hoping some of it sticks. 

This lesson will help you get accustomed to the concept of direct pronouns.

In this lesson we are going to use the verb "give" which is (dar) in Spanish.

There is a link to the full conjugation of dar below.

We are using "give" because it is a common transitive verb.

A transitive verb is a verb that accepts one or more objects. This contrasts with intransitive verbs, which do not have objects.

The sentences below are in the format we will use in this lesson:

I + gave+ you + a glass of wine

I + gave + it + to you

te + di + una copa de vino

te + la + di

The third line is a translation of the first line:

The fourth line is a translation of the second line:


The 4th line contains Spanish object pronouns:

Note: A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.

I like it - (it is an object pronoun)

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The first line is an English sentence containing give -
The second line is the same English sentence but with the direct and indirect objects changed into pronouns..
The third line is a Spanish sentence containing dar (give)
The fourth line is the same Spanish sentence but with the direct and indirect objects changed into pronouns..

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your Spanish vocabulary.

Related Links
The conjugation of the Spanish Verb DAR "to give"
Spanish Pronouns Tutorial
Lots of Expressions with the verb "dar".
A similar Flash card exercise

The Examples

he gave me a glass of wine
he gave it to me
me dio una copa de vino
me la dio
he gave him a pencil
he gave it to him
le dio un lápiz
se lo dio
he gave it a toy
he gave it to it
le dio un juguete
se lo dio
he gave us some magazines
he gave them to us
nos dio unas revistas
nos las dio
he gave you a rose
he gave it to you
te dio una rosa
te la dio
he gave you guys a pencil
he gave it to you guys
os dio un lápiz
os lo dio
he gave you guys a rose
he gave it to you guys
os dio una rosa
os la dio
I gave you 2 sweets
I gave them to you
te di 2 caramelos
te los di
I gave you a glass of wine
I gave it to you
te di una copa de vino
te la di
I gave you an apple
I gave it to you
te di una manzana
te la di
I gave him 2 sweets
I gave them to him
le di 2 caramelos
se los di
I gave them a book
I gave it to them
les di un libro
se lo di
she gave her a book
she gave it to her
le dio un libro
se lo dio
she gave me a pencil
she gave it to me
me dio un lápiz
me lo dio
she gave her an apple
she gave it to her
le dio una manzana
se la dio
she gave them 2 sweets
she gave them to them
les dio 2 caramelos
se los dio
she gave them some magazines
she gave them to them
les dio unas revistas
se las dio
she gave us 2 sweets
she gave them to us
nos dio 2 caramelos
nos los dio
she gave you a book
she gave it to you
te dio un libro
te lo dio
she gave you guys some magazines
she gave them to you guys
os dio unas revistas
os las dio
they gave her a pencil
they gave it to her
le dieron un lápiz
se lo dieron
they gave him a present
they gave it to him
le dieron un regalo
se lo dieron
they gave him an apple
they gave it to him
le dieron una manzana
se la dieron
they gave me a book
they gave it to me
me dieron un libro
me lo dieron
they gave us a glass of wine
they gave it to us
nos dieron una copa de vino
nos la dieron
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