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Suggestions and Advice in Spanish

Suggestions and Advice in Spanish.

First of all: What are suggestions and advice?

Making a suggestion is not exactly the same as asking a question. When we make a suggestion, we suggest a possible course of action to the other person and the other person will appraise our suggestion and maybe answer.

Giving advice is similar to making a suggestion but it is usually person A presenting a series of advisable ideas to person B.

Lots of Spanish courses require you to know about making suggestions and giving advice, also it is very useful. 


There are a couple of examples of the subjunctive in the examples.

Te aconsejo que te quedes. Literally: I advise you that you stay - Translates as: I advise you to stay.

We often see the subjunctive in  a 2 part sentence separated by "que"

By the way "quedar" is a very useful verb we have a page about it here

Note from the pedantic grammar police

Did you know that British people have  terrible problems with advice and advise.

On social media people make mistakes all the time but I am too polite to say anything.

Here is an unsolicited lesson:

Advice is a noun: I'll give you a piece of advice: Said like "Cold as ICE"

Advise is a verb: I can advise you if you want.  Said like "For your EYES only"

What I have just given you is "consejo no solicitado" Uncalled for advice.

Here is a suggestion: Watch Netflix in Spanish but turn down the velocity setting so that it is a little slower than usual.  

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The first line is in  English.
The second line is the translation in Spanish.

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your Spanish vocabulary.

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The Examples

Shall I open the window?
¿Abro la ventana?
Why don't we go to the cinema?
¿Por qué no vamos al cine?
How about going to the theatre?
¿Te apetece ir al teatro?
Would you like to dance with me?
¿Te gustaría bailar conmigo?
Let's go for a walk.
Vamos a dar un paseo.
Perhaps we could make this dream a reality.
Quizás podríamos hacer ese sueño real.
Why don't you give up smoking?
¿Por qué no dejas de fumar?
Yes, that's a good idea.
Sí, es una buena idea.
OK, that sounds good to me.
OK, me parece bien
Yes, that would be lovely.
Sí, me encantaría.
Maybe later.
Más tarde quizás.
Not now.
Ahora mismo no.
I'd rather we didn't.
Prefiero que no.
I don't feel like it
No me apetece.
Yes, that would be great.
Sí, eso sería genial.
I would prefer not to.
Preferiría no hacerlo
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