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The present perfect in Spanish with 50 examples

The present perfect in Spanish.

The verb haber + participle
he bebido - I have drunk
has bailado - You have danced
ha vivido - He/she/it has lived
hemos estado - We have been
habéis pensado - You guys have thought
han visto - They have seen.

Whoever thinks up the names of tenses should have made a better job with the present perfect.

Why the present perfect? It would be better to call it the:
The "I have drunk 5 beers so I can't drive a car" tense.

The present perfect is used to describe an action that started and finished in the past, but has an influence on or affects the present.

An example of this in a very clear cut cause and effect way could be "I have had my hair cut". (right now it still probably looks freshly cut) .

A a less clear example could be:
I have been to Paris. That means that you are a person who at some time in the past went to Paris. So you, as a person are now in the "have been to Paris" club.

The present perfect is often acompanied by adverbials associated with the present. eg. I have driven a long way this week. I have eaten a lot today.

The good news is that the Spanish present perfect is very similar to the English version and it is very easy to use. If you have a low level of Spanish then you can make yourself understood very easily without having to know all the difficult verb conjugations that you need to know if you use the simple past.

An example of this could be:

Did you sing yesterday?
¿cantaste ayer?

If you don't know the past simple of to go in Spanish you could say this (which is sort of wrong) :
*Have you sang yesterday?*
*¿Has cantado ayer?*
Don't tell your Spanish teacher that I told you this.
Almost anything you can say about grammer is debateable.
You should learn your conjugations.

Irregular participles
Some verbs have irreglar participles. Reglar partpiciples are made like the following:

Regular AR verbs
hablado (just add ado to the stem)
Regular IR verbs
vivido (just add iso to the stem)
Regular ER verbs
bebido (just add ido to the stem)

Some common irregular participles.

Abrir - Abierto - to open
Cubrir - Cubierto - to cover
Decir - Dicho - To say
Devolver - Devuelto - to return
Escribir - Escrito - to write
Hacer - Hecho - to make/do
Ir - Ido - to go
Leer - Leído - to read
Morir- Muerto
Poner - Puesto - to put
Resolver - Resuelto - to resolve
Romper - Roto - to break
Ser -Sido - to be
Suscribir - Suscrito - to subscribe
Ver - Visto - to see
Volver - Vuelto - to return

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The first line is word in English
The second word in Spanish

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of the Present Perfect in Spanish.

The Contents

Have you eaten anything today?
¿Has comido algo hoy?
Have you ever been to Paris?
¿has estado en Paris alguna vez?
We have lost our cat
Hemos perdido nuestro gato
What have you done today?
¿Qué has hecho hoy?
I have never tried octopus.
Nunca he probado pulpo.
I have not insulted anyone
No he insultado a nadie
Have you never been in love?
¿Nunca has estado enamorada?
Have you seen the news?
¿Has visto las noticias?
I have drank five beers and I shouldn't drive.
He bebido cinco cervezas y no debería conducir.
They have given me a prize.
Me han dado un premio.
They have opened a restaurant near where I live and I have not been yet.
Han abierto un restaurante cerca de donde vivo y todavía no he ido.
what you have written is an insult
lo que has escrito es un insulto
we have not reserved a table
no hemos reservado una mesa
I've said yes
he dicho que si
you have broken his heart
le has roto el corazón
I've had a great time
lo he pasado muy bien
I have not lived in an English speaking country
no he vivido en ningún país angloparlante
Have you ever eaten insects?
¿has comido insectos alguna vez?
You have disappointed me
Me has decepcionado
I have not gone out because it is cold
no he salido porque hace frio
They have spent millions of dollars
han gastado millones de dolares
I have had an accident and I cannot work.
He tenido un acidente y no puedo trabajar.
Have you seen the latest Almodovar movie?
¿Han visto la última película de Almodovar?
I have not talked to them again
No he hablado con ellos de nuevo
How many times has Norway won Eurovision?
¿Cuántas veces ha ganado Noruega Eurovisión?
We have come to help you.
hemos venido para ayudarte.
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