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Covid 19 in Spanish

Speaking about COVID in Spanish.

This vocabulary has been harvested from online newspaper articles and other sources about Covid 19 in Spanish.
Some of the vocabulary and structures are difficult for this level. The objective is to learn the most common sentences and vocabulary so that you can speak about covid 19 in Spanish.
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The first line is word in English
The second word in Spanish

Use this lesson to learn how to speak about Covid 19 in Spanish.

The Contents

There was no toilet paper in the supermarket
No habia papel higienico en el supermercado
Have you had covid-19?
¿Has tenido el covid-19?
Where are you spending lockdown?
¿dónde estás pasando el confinamiento?
the common cold
el resfriado común
An outbreak is the sudden appearance of illness due to infection in a specific location.
Un brote es la aparición repentina de una enfermedad debida a una infección en un lugar específico.
How long does it take to recover from COVID?
¿Cuánto se tarda en recuperarse de COVID?
AstraZeneca expects to conclude phase three of the vaccine by the end of November.
AstraZeneca espera concluir la fase tres de la vacuna a finales de noviembre
These viruses can be spread by person-to-person contact.
Estos virus pueden propagarse por contacto de persona a persona.
It can lead to a more serious illness:
puede provocar una enfermedad más grave:
About 2% of the people who contracted this disease died
Alrededor del 2% de las personas que contrajeron esta enfermedad murieron
mild symptoms.
síntomas leves.
95% of the fatalities in Spain are over 60 years old
El 95% de las víctimas mortales en España tienen más de 60 años
The increase in positive diagnoses in Spain is multiplying every day.
El aumento de diagnósticos positivos en España se multiplica cada día.
Many coronaviruses originate in bats
Muchos coronavirus se originan en murciélagos
coronavirus disease outbreak
brote de la enfermedad por el Coronavirus
World Health Organization (WHO)
Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
people should be cautious but not panic
la gente debe tener precauciones pero tampoco entrar en panico
the new coronavirus is spreading from person to person.
el nuevo coronavirus se está propagando de persona a persona.
CDC recommends that these patients be isolated in hospital
los CDC recomiendan que estos pacientes sean aislados en el hospital
Can a person who has been quarantined for COVID-19 spread it to others?
¿Puede una persona que haya estado en cuarentena por el COVID-19 propagarlo a los demás?
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