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Start conversations in Spanish. Make friends.

Starting a conversation in Spanish.

In my opinion the whole point of learning a language is being able to speak to people. To get to know people somebody has to start speaking. The best way to get to know people is to ask them questions about themselves. Hopefully they will not just give "yes" or "no" answers they will tell you something about themselves. Hopefully they will ask you questions about yourself.

You can use the questions in this lesson to start conversations. One of the problems with speaking to a native speaker of another language when your own level of their language is not very high is that when they answer you will not understand the answer. Don't worry about this. You have to start somewhere. Even if you don't fully understand the answer you should continue. What have you got to lose? You might have to occasionally pretend to understand more than you really do.

Some people are better than others at speaking to people from other cultures. People who have a lot of empathy will speak clearly, not too fast and will say things as simply as possible but on the other hand some people may find it impossible to slow down even if you ask them. Some people are "simpáticos" (friendly) whereas other people can be antipáticos (unfriendly). Some people are "sociable" (sociable) wheras other people can be "poco sociable" (antisocial).

Where can you find Spanish speakers to talk with? You can pay for a private Spanish teacher over skype. Find people on facebook groups. Use a bilingual chatroom.

Sometimes you can find people here: espanglishchat.com

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The first line is word in English
The second word in Spanish

Use this lesson to learn how to start conversations and make friends in Spanish.

The Contents

What do you do for a living?
¿A qué te dedicas?
Where did you last go on holiday?
¿A donde fuiste la ultima vez de vacaciones?
How many countries have you been to?
¿En cuántos países has estado?
What is your favorite food?
¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
What is your favorite film?
¿Cuál es tu película favorita?
What was the last book you read?
¿Cuál es el último libro que has leído?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
¿cuál fue tu peor momento de vergüenza?
Where are you going for your next vacation?
¿Dónde vas a pasar tus próximas vacaciones?
What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
Cuál ha sido la mejor cosa que te ha pasado esta semana?
Do you sing in the shower?
¿cantas en la ducha?
What are you scared of?
¿De qué tienes miedo?
What was the worst movie you have ever seen?
¿Cuál es la peor pelicula te has visto?
What was your worst holiday experience?
¿Cuál ha sido tu peor experiencia de vacaciones?
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Si podrías vivir en cualquier lugar, ¿dónde querrías vivir?
What was your least favorite job like?
¿cómo fue el peor empleo que has tenido?
Have you ever been fired from your job?
¿Alguna Vez Te Han Despedido De Tu Trabajo?
Have you ever used drugs?
¿Alguna vez has tomado drogas?
What would you do if you found a bag with a lot of money?
¿Qué harias si encuentras un bolso con mucho dinero?
Do you have a pet?
¿Tienes un animal domestico?
What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?
¿Cuál es la cosa más extraña que has visto en tu vida?
Are you mean or generous?
Eres generoso/a o tacaño/a?
Where would you like to visit?
¿A dónde te gustaría visitar?
What is the worst thing you ever bought?
¿Cuál fue la peor cosa qué has comprado?
Do you have any tattos?
¿Tienes tatuajes?
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