The first thing you might notice is that is in English we always explicitly say who we are refering to with he she or it in Spanish it is not necesarilly so.
vive Could mean he she or it lives.
It is not normally a problem because it is obvious from the context.
If you really want you can include a subject pronoun. eg él vive He lives
We have included the subject pronoun in some of the examples but they are optional.
Another thing you might notice is that speaking about the 3rd person in Spanish is very much like using "usted" or the formal style. Usted vive You live? (formal style)
Note also that "su" could be either his or her. su deportista favorito his or her favourite sports person
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The first line is an example word in English
The second line is and example word in Spanish.
Use this lesson to learn how to speak to other people about a third person in Spanish.
She is not happy with her weight, she thinks she is too fat.
No está contenta con su peso, piensa que está demasiado gorda.
He would not like to go to Disneyland.
No le gustaría ir a Disneyland.
Her hair is blonde and short.
Su cabello es rubio y corto.
He supports Manchester United.
Él apoya el Manchester United.
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