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Possessive Adjective Examples in Spanish

Possessive Adjective Examples in Spanish.

Examples of possessive adjectives are:
My house - mi casa
You house - tu casa
His/her/its house - Su casa
Our house - nuestra casa
Your house - vuestra casa
Their house. su casa

Note: To make a plural just add "s"
My houses - mis casas
Our houses . nuestras casas.

Note: You only have to worry about gender with nuestro/a and vuestro/a
Our boys - nuestros chicos
Our Girls - nuestras chicas

These are possessive adjectives They are not possessive pronouns
We will deal with possessive pronouns in another lesson.
They are: mine, yours, his, her, its, ours, yours, theirs.
Examples in Spanish: mio. tuyo, suyo, nuestro, vuestro, suyo.
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The first line is a word in English -
The second word is the Spanish translation of the first line.
Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of the possessive adjectives in Spanish.
Related Links
See a chart of the possessive adjectives.

The Contents

your secretary is Spanish
tu secretaria es española
your boyfriend is rich
tu novio es rico
Introduce me to your friends
presentame a tus amigas
your friend Patricia is here
está aquí tu amiga Patricia
What is your mother tongue?
¿Cuál es tu lengua materna?
this is your problem
esto es tu problema
I like your apartment
me gusta tu apartamento
where is your wheelchair
donde esta tu silla de ruedas
I need your advice
necesito tu consejo
my favorite color is turquoise
mi color preferido es el turquesa
it is his problem
es su problema
last night in my apartment
anoche en mi apartamento
My parents are gay too. I have two dads.
mis padres son gay tambien. Tengo dos papás.
I live with my parents
vivo con mis padres
all my photos are like this
todas mis fotos son así
It is the least of my worries
es la menor de mis preocupaciones
My niece is married
Mi sobrina está casada
In our country
en nuestro país
we want you in our team
te queremos en nuestro equipo
Ignorance is our enemy
la ignorancia es nuestro enemigo
our friend left
nuestro amigo se fue
Our love will not die and it will last forever
no morirá nuestro amor y durará para siempre
Colombia is our ally
Colombia es nuestro aliado
you are our boss
tu, eres nuestro jefe
we will be able to evaluate the result of our actions.
podremos evaluar el resultado de nuestras acciones.
our song
nuestra canción
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