In the examples we have used verbs like: escribir, vivir, decidir etc.
Note: When I say regular I mean regular in the present.
There are 2 minor deviations:
The verb escribir has an irregular participle (escrito) and the participle of abrir is (abierto)
The conjugation of ir verbs
Escribo - I write
Escribes - You write (familiar)
Usted Escribe You write (formal)
Escribe - He she it, writes
Escribimos - We write
Escribís - You write - (familiar)
Ustedes escriben - You write - (formal)
Escriben - They write
15% of Spanish verbs are IR verbs.
In the examples I have included some Spanish passives.
¿Còmo se escribe su apellido? - How is your surname written?
¿Còmo se escriben las fechas en inglès? - How are the dates written in English?
¿Còmo se abre? - How is it opened?
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The first line is a subject - verb in English - Spanish infinitive. (notes about formality and person if necesary)
The second line is the Spanish translation of the subject verb from the first line.
The third line is an example sentence in English
The fourth Line is and example sentence in Spanish.
Use this lesson to practice your knowledge of the regular IR verbs in the present.
admitimos nuestra culpa /admitimos que tenemos la cupla
it links or it unites - unir
the new road links the two villages
la nueva carretera une los dos pueblos
I open - abrir
Shall I open the window?
¿Abro la ventana?
Do you live? - vivir (singular familiar)
Do you live in the countryside or in a city?
¿Vives en el campo o en una ciudad?
the pensioners receive - recibir
los pensionistas reciben
the pensioners in Spain receive more than they contribute.
los pensionistas en españa reciben más de lo que aportan
I receive - recibir
I receive gifts in December.
Recibo regalos en diciembre.
he doesn't live - vivir
no vive
The President of the United States doesn't live in Chicago.
El presidente de los Estados Unidos no vive en Chicago.
I attend - asistir
I attend Spanish classes on Thursdays.
Asisto a clases de español los jueves.
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