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Asking for and giving directions in Spanish

Getting to where you want to go in Spanish.

I suppose that now we all have google maps we no longer need to ask anyone for directions. However speaking to people in the street is an interesting thing to do. It is actually a good indication of how friendly the people are.

The problem with asking for directions in Spanish.
One of the more complicated things in Spanish is the imperative.
In English we just use the infinitive to make the imperative.
For example: Turn left, Turn right, Go straight on etc.
In Spanish we have the dual problem that there is the formal imperative and the informal imperative.
Here are some examples.
Imperatives in Spanish
Turn Girar Gire Gira
Continue Continuar Continúe Continúa
Follow Seguir Sigue Siga
Take Tomar Tome Toma
walk Caminar Camine Camina
Cross Cruzar Cruze Cruza

In Spain when you are speaking to people in the street they could either speak to you as Usted (formal) or Tú (informal)
In other Spanish speaking countries the use of the formal or informal can change.
The trouble with this for a language learner is that you have to learn more vocabulary.
However, nobody but a fool would be very critical of a foreigner who make mistakes with this when speaking Spanish.

In the examples in this lesson you will see informal and formal examples.
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The first line is an example sentence in English
The second line is and example sentence in Spanish.
Use this lesson to learn how to ask for and give directions in Spanish.
Related Links
The Spanish imperative a tutorial
More vocabulary about directions in Spanish

The Contents

I am looking for the hotel Alhambra Palace.
Estoy buscando el hotel Alhambra Palace.
It is 5 minutes walking.
Está a 5 minutos andando.
It is very far.
Está muy lejos.
The pedestrian crossing.
El paso de peatones.
Go straight on.
Sigue todo recto.
Turn right.
Gira a la derecha.
Where is there a chemist?
¿Dónde hay una farmacia?
Excuse me. Manzana street?
Perdone, ¿la calle manzana?
Where is Avenida San Marco?
¿Dónde está la Avenida San Marco?
Are we on the right road to Granada?
¿Estamos en el camino correcto a Granada?
At the corner of the road you will see a yellow building.
En la esquina de la carretera verá un edificio amarillo.
At the end of the road you will see the hospital.
Al final del camino verá el hospital.
Can you tell me how to get to the bus station?
¿Me puede decir cómo llegar a la estación de autobuses?
Take the first right.
Toma la primera derecha.
When you get to the end, turn right.
Cuando llegues al final, giras a la derecha
Could you tell me where the hotel is?
¿Me puede decir dónde está el hotel?
Cross the junction and keep going for about 2 km.
Cruzar el cruce y continuar durante unos 2 km.
Excuse me, could you help me?
¿Disculpe, me podría ayudar?
Follow the signposts to Madrid
Siga las indicaciones hacia Madrid.
Go along the street until you reach the traffic lights.
Continúa por la calle hasta llegar al semáforo.
Go straight on at the traffic lights.
Siga recto en el semáforo.
Go straight on until you see the hospital then turn left.
Siga recto hasta que vea el hospital, luego gire a la izquierda.
How can I get to the chemist?
¿Cómo puedo llegar a la farmacia?
How do I get to the police station?
¿Cómo llego a la estación de policía?
How far is it to the beach?
¿Cómo de lejos está la playa?
I'm trying to get to Gran Via.
Quiero ir a la Gran Vía.
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