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Daily routine

Daily routine.

Note that many of the examples in this lesson use reflexive verbs.
Reflexive verbs are especially common in Spanish when we do things to ourselves.

I shave - me afeito
I wash myself - me lavo
She gets dressed - se viste
You get up - te levantas

There is a more detailed explanation about reflexives in Spanish here
This is the limited version with only 50% of the content if you want the full version click here
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The first line is a word in English -
The second word is the Spanish translation of the first line.
Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of the daily routine in Spanish.
Related Links
More information about reflexive verbs in Spanish

The Contents

I go to the cinema once month
Voy al cine una vez al mes
How often do you go to the cinema?
¿Con qué frecuencia vas al cine?
What time do you get up?
¿A qué hora te levantas?
I count sheep if I suffer from insomnia
Cuento ovejas si sufro de insomnio
I have a sleepless night if I drink coffee.
No duermo si tomo café.
I have a rest after work.
Tengo un descanso después del trabajo.
I don't set the alarm clock at the weekends.
No pongo el despertador los fines de semana.
I go to bed at 11pm
Me acuesto a las 11pm
I get undressed before going to bed.
Me desnudo antes de irme a la cama.
We go home after work.
Nos vamos a casa después del trabajo.
My husband gets home late.
Mi esposo llega a casa tarde.
they start work at 9.
empiezan a trabajar a las 9.
I catch the bus
Cojo el autobus
I go to work after breakfast
voy al trabajo despues del desayuno
I never watch television
Yo nunca veo television
I listen to the radio in the morning
Escucho la radio por la mañana
They switch on the television in the evening.
Encienden la televisión por la noche.
I don't water the plants in the winter.
No riego las plantas en el invierno.
I feed the cat twice a day
Doy de comer al gato dos veces al día.
She cooks lunch every day.
Ella prepara el almuerzo todos los días.
We have dinner when she arrives home.
Cenamos cuando ella llega a casa.
We have lunch at 2pm.
Almorzamos a las 2pm.
They have breakfast at 8 in the morning.
Desayunan a las 8 de la mañana.
He puts in his false teeth after getting up.
Se mete los dientes postizos después de levantarse.
She puts in her contact lenses before driving.
Ella se pone sus lentes de contacto antes de conducir.
I put on makeup before I go out.
Me maquillo antes de salir.
I rarely clean my shoes
Rara vez me limpio los zapatos
I have a shave every day.
Me afeito todos los días
I use a towel to dry my hands
Uso una toalla para secarme las manos.
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