If you are ever in a one to one situation with anyone on a bus or anywhere else a common way of starting a conversation is to ask simple questions.
It is the most basic way of getting to know someone. You may not really want to know the answer to these questions but conversations have to start somewhere and if you are not interested in having conversation in Spanish why are you even reading this? People love speaking about themsleves. By the way I will tell you a secret. If you want to make another person speak almost without stopping just repeat the last thing they say.
The other person: My favourite food is Chinese. You: Chinese? The other person: Blah blah blah about chinese food
If you don't understand the answers to the questions you might need to ask.
" ¿puedes hablar más despacio, por favor?"
Can you speak more slowly please?
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The first line is an example word in English
The second line is and example word in Spanish.
Use this lesson to learn how to ask other people about themslves in Spanish.
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