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Asking someone's opinion in Spanish

Asking someone what they think or what their opinion is.

This function appear in all the syllabuses or syllabi for learning Spanish at an elementary level.

Some people believe that is important to be able to ask what opinion someone has.
It could be that you are better off not knowing.
If you ask someone about politics be prepared to be disappointed.
Everyone has such awful opinions nowadays.
It is maybe better to just bury your head in the sand.

In the next lesson we will practice giving opinions and then after that expressing agreement or disagreement.

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¿Qué piensas de la lecciòn hasta ahora?

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The first line is an example word in English
The second line is and example word in Spanish.
Use this lesson to learn how to ask people about their opinions.

The Contents

What do you think about Maria?
¿Qué piensas de maria?
What is your opinion about veganism?
¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre el veganismo?
What do you think about Trump?
¿Qué opinas sobre Trump?
Do you believe in the death penalty?
¿Usted cree en la pena de muerte?
What can I do with a kilo of sardines?
¿Qué puedo hacer con un kilo de sardinas?
What should I do about my son?
¿Qué debo hacer con mi hijo?
I would like to know your opinion about bullfighting
Me gustaría saber tu opinión sobre las corridas de toros
Does your mother believe in God?
¿Tu madre cree en Dios?
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