French Hiking and walking Vocabulary

Basic Hiking  Vocabulary in French

French for going walking or hiking.

Going for a walk with a mixed group of French  and English native speakers is a great way to learn  French.

Many people like to practice English and you can practice your French. This is called an "échange linguistique". The vocabulary in this page is very typical of people who go hiking.

Corrections and editorial advice for this lesson were provided by Amandine  from Viviers-du-lac  France.

The vocabulary for this lesson was taken from real hiker and was provided by

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The first line is in English
The second line is in French.

Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of hiking words in French.

The Contents

How long does the walk take?
Combien de temps dure la randonnée ?
What is the highest point of the walk?
Quel est le point culminant de la marche ?
Where are we going to eat?
Où allons nous manger ?
Are we going for a drink after the walk?
Allons-nous au café après la marche ?
Are dogs allowed?
Les chiens sont-ils autorisés ?
Does anyone have a painkiller?
Quelqu´un a un antalgique ?
Do you mind if I take your photo?
Je peux prendre ta photo ?
Shall we take a selfie?
Peut-on prendre un selfie ?
Shall we wait for Pablo?
Doit-on attendre Pablo ?
I'll catch you up later
Je te rejoins plus tard
It takes 90 minutes to reach the top of the mountain.
Il y a 90 minutes de marche jusqu´au sommet
What is the cumulative height gain?
Quel-est le dénivelé cumulé ?
I'm thirsty, shall we stop for a drink of water.
J´ai soif, peut-on s´arrêter boire ?
Be careful of the processionary caterpillars!
Attention aux chenilles procesionnaires !
Can anyone give me a lift in their car?
Quelqu´un peut me déposer en voiture ?
Where is the meeting point?
Où est le point de rendez-vous ?
Do I need to bring sandwiches?
Dois-je prendre des sandwiches ?
I have a blister.
J´ai une ampoule
Do we have to cross any rivers?
Doit-on traverser des rivières ?
Who is the leader of the group?
Qui dirige le groupe ?
Be quiet please. We are going to walk past bee hives.
Silence s´il vous plaît, nous allons passer à côté de ruche.
My feet hurt.
Mes pieds me font mal.
What an amazing view!
Quelle magnifique vue !
Dogs must be on a lead.
Les chiens doivent être en laisse.
Is that a wild boar?
Est-ce un sanglier ?
Do we have to pay?
Doit-on payer ?
What sort of bird is that?
Quelle espèce d´oiseau est-ce ?
How long is it until the finish?
Combien de temps reste-il avant la fin ?
Your shoe lace is undone.
Tes lacets sont défaits.
Does anyone have a map?
Quelqu´un a une carte ?
I think we are lost.
Je crois que nous sommes perdu.
Is this a circular walk or a linear walk?
Fait-on une boucle ou un aller-retour ?
My dog is missing.
Mon chien est perdu
You need to put some some sun screen on.
Tu dois mettre de la crème solaire.
I think it is going to rain.
Je crois qu´il va pleuvoir.
My smartphone has run out of battery.
Mon téléphone n´as plus de batterie.
I am going to have a long hot bath when I get home.
Je vais prendre un bon bain chaud quand je vais rentrer chez moi.
This path is very slippery.
Ce chemin est trés glissant.
There is no mobile phone coverage here.
Il n´y a pas de réseau ici.
I need to stop because I have a stone in my shoe.
Je dois m´arrêter car j´ai un caillou dans ma chaussure.
Please listen. I want to speak to everybody.
Écouter s´il vous plaît, je dois parler à tout le monde.
I have been stung by a wasp.
J´ai été piqué par une guêpe.
Do you know what this flower is called?
Sais-tu comment s´appelle cette fleur ?
Would anyone like a piece of chocolate?
Quelqu´un veut du chocolat ?
Is the next hill very steep?
Est-ce-que la prochaine montée est pentu ?
I prefer going down hill rather than up hill.
Je préfère descendre que monter.
I am not very fit at the moment.
Je suis pas en forme en ce moment.
Why didn't Natasha come this week?
Pourquoi Natasha n´est pas venue cette semaine ?
I put on five kilos over Christmas.
J´ai pris cinq kilos après Noël.
How difficult is this hike?
Est-ce-que cette randonnée est difficile ?
Shall we hide from the rain in this cave?
Peut-on s´abritter de la pluie dans cette grotte ?
Shall we continue?
Doit-on continuer ?
How many steps have you done today?
Combien de pas as-tu fais aujourd´hui ?
I really like hiking!
J´adore randonner !
If you don't mind I would rather not talk about politics.
Si cela ne te dérange pas, je préfère ne pas parler de politique.

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