Chat up lines or things to say to someone you don't know.
How to chat people up in French:
As I am married I don't ever flirt so I had to look on internet for examples.
I visited about 25 web pages to find chat up lines.
I was quite surprised to find the same 30 or so cheesy chat up lines on almost all of the sites.
They must have all copied each other.
I have included some of the less annoying ones.
I don't think you will end up with a new French boy or girlfriend using my lesson but at least you may find it amusing.
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The first line is an example in English
The second line is an example in French
Use this lesson to learn vocabulary in French
The Contents
Do you come here often?
Tu viens souvent ici ?
Would you like to dance?
Tu veux danser ?
chat up lines
une réplique de drague
I don't know how to kiss. Could you teach me?
Je ne sais pas embrasser. Tu pourrais m'apprendre ?
It's not my fault that I like you.
Ce n'est pas ma faute si tu me plais.
Could you lend me a dictionary? It's just that on seeing you I have been lost for words.
Tu pourrais me passer un dictionnaire ? C'est que quand je te vois, je perds mes mots.
Is your name google? In you I have found all that I am looking for.
Tu t'appelles Google ? Parce que j'ai trouvé en toi tout ce que je recherche.
I love this song. Do you know who it is by?
J'adore cette chanson. Tu sais de qui elle est ?
I like your eyes a lot, especially the left one.
J'aime beaucoup tes yeux, surtout le gauche.
I hope I can see you more often.
J'espère qu'on se reverra.
You don't sweat much for a fat girl.
Tu ne transpires pas beaucoup pour un gros / une grosse.
flattering statements
un compliment, des compliments
If being sexy was a crime, you would spend your whole life in prison.
Si être sexy était un crime, tu passerais ta vie en prison.
I need to get some practice in kissing. Can you help me?
J'ai besoin de m'entraîner à embrasser: Tu peux m'aider ?
Do you work or do you study?
Tu es étudiant(e) ou tu travailles ?
You have a lovely smile.
Tu as un charmant sourire.
Are you lost? Because heaven is a long way from here.
Tu es perdu(e) ? Parce que le paradis est très loin d'ici...
Hi, I am a thief, here to steal your heart.
Salut, je suis cambrioleur, je suis là pour voler ton cœur.
Flattery will get you nowhere.
Tes compliments sont inutiles.
She is a flirtatious girl.
C'est une séductrice.
I like you a lot.
Tu me plais beaucoup.
You drive me crazy.
Tu me rends fou / tu me rends folle.
You have the most beautiful eyes in the world.
Tu as les plus beaux yeux du monde.
I can't wait to see you.
J'ai hâte de te voir.
What is a girl like you doing in a place like this?
Qu'est-ce qu'une fille comme toi fait dans un endroit comme ça ?