Surf in - load up - print out
Graphic design by Julia Gonzalez aged 7
This page was originally made in 1996 when internet first started. We were TEFL teachers (English teachers) living in Granada Spain and this page was a respository of useful things that could be useful for other teachers. Most textbooks were quite bad in those days and supplementary materials were very important.
At the TEFL Pitstop language teachers can quickly drop in and load up with ready to use, original, printable materials.
The materials you will find on this page are particularly suitable
for the "communicative" style of teaching.
Some examples of games
A game to make quizzes more exciting. This game is based on a TV game show called blockbusters. It involves asking questions in order to win hexagons.
Main Page.
Interactive board.
Ready made questions
There is based on the game called scattegories. It involves thinking of words which start with a certain letter within a time limit of 3 minutes. You can play this game with a group of people who are not in the same room if you use zoom or other group software. If players have their own smartphone you don't need to print out the word lists.
Main Page.
Pub Quiz
Making questions for and answering pub quiz questions is a great way of providing enjoyable interactions. Here is our rapidly growing list of 10 question pub quizes to give you inspiration.
Main Page.
Online Boggle
Make words out of a grid of words. This version could be put on the interactive white board for the class to use or the students could use it on tablets or smartphones.
Main Page.
How Much will you
bet ?
A game that can contain many others.
Instructions and suggestions.
Image of playing cards
Battle Spaceships
A game to practise any sentence structure or function.
Graphic image to photocopy
Interactive Crosswords
Interactive crosswords are a great way to get your students talking and incidently
as an activity they fullfil all the criteria of being a real communicative
interchange. This one is based on the vocabulary of schools and education.
Click here to see a ready to use one
Materials Donated by other teachers
These pages were made pre facebook when we had a page generator.
Lingo - game
A word
game based on mastermind
Ernie's EFL Songs page
Some ideas
about using songs in your classes
Ernie's Activity page
Some good ideas for activities in your classes
A vocabulary game by George Tomlinson.
Titanic Lesson Plan
A lesson plan for a reading activity for students who are interested in the Titanic. Kindly donated by Julie Beals in Canada.
Other Contributions
Question Form Rummy
Kindly donated by John Knight
Playing cards
File of playing cards in .rtf format ready to print
out, cut up and start playing immediately
Trivial Questions
Kindly donated by Paolo Rossetti
About 80 trivial questions
How to get your
TEFL Book Published
An article with good basic advice if you are thinking of writing your own TEFL
book. click here
Miscellaneous Section
TEFL Pitstop Academic article generator.
The is our contribution to the world of TEFL theory. We have written over 1,000,000 articles for you to read.
You will find many articles from our vast output. Some essay titles that you may find are for example.
"An intonation pattern proposed by a bilabial plosive" "The dreamlike transitive verb"" A voiced consonant behind the magnetic
board" "A fluently procedural tape recorder" "The contemporary wh-question"
Click Here
Reading for specific information activities Help the students develop the many different reading skills and strategies such as gist reading, reading to confirm expectations, reading for communicative tasks etc. We have several reading for specific information activity resources for you to use. Some interesting facts about:
Ants -
The Moon -
Horses -
Bees -
Bats -
Wales -
Chickens -
vegetariansm -
New York City -
Football -
Human Body -
Space -
Computers -
Love -
Bob Marley -
Light words vocab. "twinkle, glimmer, glow etc"
for very advanced students
Pronunciation of Regular Past Verbs Worksheet with some ideas
10 Activities to stimulate speaking and conversation. Idea sheet
English phonetic chart. Put it on you wall. Stick it in your dictionary. A3 size Click
A list of questions to get conversations started. Worksheet
List of all tenses in English with active and passive voices.
A step by step guide to convert a sentence from active to passive. (simplified)
Traditional Proverbs. You may find this useful with advanced classes.
Reported Speech Tense Changes Assistant Javascript enhanced
List of tense changes in
Attempt to make an online learning system for learning.
English -
Spanish -
French -
Our page specially for
Spanish learners of English (more free stuff) Vocabulary sheets
Espanglish chat Send you students here to practice in real time using chat.
How to learn a foreign language. A non academic opinion about how to learn languages.
This page was made by John and Sarah. (
Granada Spain 1996 updated 2021)
We now live in the middle of nowhere. If you want to know how to make a Fudgy Chocolate Brownie
Click here