Grammar notes:
Subject pronouns are words like. I, you, he, she ,it we , you , they.
Subjects are normally people or things that do an action. eg. John, Peter and Susan, My dog etc
Subject pronouns replace the names. John, Peter and Susan, My dog etc = He, they, it etc.
Italian has formal and informal pronouns - Tu is used to address familiy members, peers, children, close friends, and animals.
Note that “egli, ella, essi, esse”, (he, she, they, they) are also Italian subject pronouns but they are used more in written Italian than in the spoken Italian.
The personal pronouns used as the subject of a sentence are less frequently used in Italian than in English, the subject pronoun is generally omitted, because the subject is expressed in the ending of the verb.
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The first line is a word in English -
The second word is the Italian translation of the first line.
Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of Subject pronouns in Italian.