Infinitive forms of regular Italian verbs always end with:
The subject pronouns are
io - I
tu - You
lui/lei - He/She
noi - We
voi - You
loro - They
The subject pronouns are optional because they are indicated in the verb.
They are only normally used for emphasis.
In the examples we have sometimes omitted the subject pronoun.
Here are examples of regular Italian verbs in the present.
Scrivere (to write)
io scrivo - I write
tu scrivi - You write
lui/lei scrive - He/she writes
noi scriviamo - We write
voi scrivete - You write (plural)
loro scrivono - They write
Nuotare (to swim)
io nuoto - I swim
tu nuoti - You swim
lui/lei nuota - He/she swims
noi nuotiamo - We swim
voi nuotate - You swim (plural)
loro nuotano - They swim
Partire (to leave)
io parto - I leave
tu parti - You Leave
lui/lei parte - He/She leaves
noi partiamo - we leave
voi partite - You leave
loro partono - They Leave
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The first line is a word in English -
The second word is the Italian translation of the first line.
Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge simple sentences in the present in Italian.