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Learn French homepage

We have a very popular site for learning Spanish. The learning French section is a recycling of some of the content. Most of the French content is useful vocabulary lists.


The numbers in French

Vocab ListFalse Beginner
Shops in French

Shops in French

Vocab ListFalse Beginner
Basic Restaurant Vocab

Basic Restaurant Vocabulary

Vocab ListFalse Beginner
French House Vocabulary Vocabulary of the house in Spanish , French and English. Vocab ListBeginner
Most common French verbs The most popular French Verbs with English translation Vocab ListBeginner
Shops and Public Places Shops and Public Places. Vocabulary in French. Vocab ListBeginner
Prepositions of place Prepositions of place in French. Vocab ListBeginner
Hotel vocabulary in French Vocabulary for hotels in Spanish, French and English. Vocab ListBeginner
Hotel Vocabulary in French Vocabulary for hotels in Spanish, French and English. Vocab ListBeginner
100 essential expressions The most important sentences and expressions for anyone learning French. Vocab ListBeginner
Learn French Course

Course to learn French at Elementary level.

Vocab ListBeginner
Days of the week

Days of the week in French

Vocab ListBeginner
Prepositions of place

Prepositions of place and position in French

Vocab ListBeginner
Daily Routine

Speaking about daily routine in French

Vocab ListBeginner
Agree and disagree. How to agree and disagree in French. Vocab ListBeginner
Professions Professions and jobs in French Vocab ListBeginner
Parts of the Body Parts of the body in French Vocab ListBeginner
Speak about yourself

Speaking about yourself in French.

Vocab ListBeginner
Asking questions Asking questions in French. Vocab ListBeginner
Going to a Restaurant French for going to a restaurant in France. Vocab ListBeginner
Chat up lines

Speaking to people you don't know. French caht up lines.

Vocab ListBeginner
Have in French Have used for possession in French Vocab ListBeginner
French Conversation Starters Questions which you can use to start conversations in French. Vocab ListLower intermed.
French Jobs and Professions The vocabulary of jobs and professions in English, French and Spanish. Vocab ListLower intermed.
Vocabulary about colours in French Colour and hue related vocabulary in French Vocab ListLower intermed.
Give Opinions

Giving opinions in French

Vocab ListLower intermed.
Ask for opinions

Ask for opinions in French

Vocab ListLower intermed.
Airbnb Host Vocab

50 sentences for an Airbnb host or keyholder in French.

Vocab ListLower intermed.
Apartments Vocab The French you need for renting apartments in France.  Vocab ListLower intermed.
Taxi in French Things that you might say when getting a taxi in France. Vocab ListLower intermed.
Clothes in French The vocabulary of clothes in French Vocab ListLower intermed.
Going to the Chemist The vocabulary of going to the chemist  in French Vocab ListLower intermed.
100 most popular verbs The 100 most popular verbs in French.  Vocab ListLower intermed.
100 most popular nouns The 100 most popular nouns in French.  Vocab ListLower intermed.
Have to Must etc How to express sentences which contain ought to, should, it is necesary, have to etc in French Vocab ListLower intermed.
50 French expressions 50 useful, coloquial, slang expressions in French. Vocab ListIntermediate
Physical Appearance Words to describe people in French Vocab ListIntermediate
Football Vocabulary in French Vocabulary for football in Spanish, French and English. Vocab ListIntermediate
Vocabulary about cars in French Car related vocabulary in French Vocab ListIntermediate
Hiking in French Things that you might say when hiking with French people. Vocab ListIntermediate
Conversation Starters How to start conversations with French speakers.  Vocab ListIntermediate
Personality Personality vocabulary in  French.  Vocab ListIntermediate