Learn Basic Spanish Adjectives with Flashcards
Spanish Adjectives
Here we can learn the most basic Spanish adjectives. Note that this vocabulary is a bit too simplified.Adjectives can change according to what is being described. For example.
The opposite of old (viejo) is new (nuevo) but if we are speaking about age then the opposite of old (viejo) is young (joven).
There is a tutorial about Spanish adjectives here
The content of the flashcards
English | Spanish | English | Spanish |
thick | grueso | thin | fino |
narrow | estrecho | ancho | wide |
dry | seco | mojado | wet |
hard | duro | blando | soft |
early | temprano | tarde | late |
ugly | feo | hermoso, bello | beautiful |
easy | fácil | difícil | difficult |
big | grande | pequeño | small |
rich | rico | pobre | poor |
dark | oscuro | claro | light |
fat | gordo | delgado | thin |
strong | fuerte | weak | débil |
cold | frío | caliente | hot |
tall | alto | bajo | short |
easy | fácil | difícil | difficult |
lazy | perezoso | trabajador | hard-working |
good | bueno | malo | bad |
complicated | complicado | sencillo | simple |
low | bajo | alto | high |
old (person) | viejo | joven | young |
cheap | barato | caro | expensive |
dirty | sucio | limpio | clean |
interesting | interesante | aburrido | boring |
stupid | tonto | inteligente | intelligent |
full | lleno | vacio | empty |
long | largo | corto | short |
fat | gordo | delgado | thin |