Simple Spanish Adjectives
Learn Common Spanish Adjectives with Flashcard Exercise

Learn Basic Spanish Adjectives with Flashcards

Spanish Adjectives

Here we can learn the most basic Spanish adjectives. Note that this vocabulary is a bit too simplified.

Adjectives can change according to what is being described. For example.

The opposite of old (viejo) is new (nuevo) but if we are speaking about age then the opposite of old (viejo) is young (joven).

There is a tutorial about Spanish adjectives here

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English Spanish English Spanish
thick grueso thin fino
narrow estrecho ancho wide
dry seco mojado wet
hard duro blando soft
early temprano tarde late
ugly feo hermoso, bello beautiful
easy fácil difícil difficult
big grande pequeño small
rich rico pobre poor
dark oscuro claro light
fat gordo delgado thin
strong fuerte weak débil
cold frío caliente hot
tall alto bajo short
easy fácil difícil difficult
lazy perezoso trabajador hard-working
good bueno malo bad
complicated complicado sencillo simple
low bajo alto high
old (person) viejo joven young
cheap barato caro expensive
dirty sucio limpio clean
interesting interesante aburrido boring
stupid tonto inteligente intelligent
full lleno vacio empty
long largo corto short
fat gordo delgado thin