the fuzzy logic of the human brain.
If you open a Spanish English dictionary you will see that almost all the English words that end in -ation have a Spanish equivalent which ends in -ación. This can be very useful when you are learning English because even if you have a low level of Spanish you will be able to use almost all of these words as long as you pronounce them correctly. Most of these words mean
exactly the same as they do in English but unfortunately it's not a perfect
system because some of them change a little eg, assassination - asasinato.
Some of them have multiple meanings which sometimes coincide and sometimes
don't Almost all the English words can
be converted into a verb by adding -e Almost all the Spanish words can
be converted into a verb by adding -ar All the words with -ación are feminine All the -ación words have an accent on the final ó I wonder if you can find any any interesting patterns in this list of words? |