Have para posesión en inglés.
I have -> Tengo
You Have -> Tienes
He, she or it has -> Tiene
We have -> Tenemos
You have -> Teneis
They have - Tienen.
Do I have? -> ¿Tengo?
Do you have? -> ¿Tienes?
Does He, she or it have -> ¿Tiene?
Do we have -> ¿Tenemos?
Do you have? -> ¿Teneis?
Do they have? - ¿Tienen?
I don't have -> No Tengo
You don't have -> No Tienes
He, she or it doesn't have -> No Tiene
We don't have -> Tenemos
You do not have -> No Teneis
They do not have. -> No Tienen
Los ingleses usan "have got" los americanos usan "have" como un verbo normal.
No sé porque pero los inglés usan have got.
I have got = I Have
Have you got? = Do you have?
Has she got? = Does she have?
Have they got? = Do they have?
En mi opinion es mejor evitar usar "Have got" porque complica la vida sin beneficio.
Soy inglés - Nunca digo "Have you got?"
Es porque era profesor de inglés durante 15 años.
Se pierda mucho tiempo enseñando "Have got"
Si embargo es importante saber que existe por ejemplo:
Have you got a light? = ¿Tienes fuego?
They haven't got any money - No tienen dinero. (They don't have any money)
She hasn't got any shoes - Ella no tiene zapatos . (She doesn't have any shoes)
Have got: Affirmative
I have got -> Tengo
You have got-> Tienes
He, she or it has got -> Tiene
We have got -> Tenemos
You have got -> Teneis
They have got - Tienen.
Have got: Interrogative
Have I got? -> ¿Tengo?
Have you got? -> ¿Tienes?
Has she or it got -> ¿Tiene?
Have we got -> ¿Tenemos?
Have you got? -> ¿Teneis?
Have they got? - ¿Tienen?
Have got: Negative
I haven't got -> No Tengo
You haven't got -> No Tienes
He, she or it hasn't got -> No Tiene
We haven't got -> Tenemos
You haven't got -> No Teneis
They haven't got -> No Tienen
Pulsa el boton 'Siguiente' para empezar.
The first line is a word in English -
The second word is the Spanish translation of the first line.
Use this lesson to rapidly increase your knowledge of "have" used for possession in English