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GOING TO para hablar sobre el futuro.

Hablar sobre el futuro con "going to" - Speaking about the future with going to in English

El verbo "ir a + infinitivo" para hablar sobre el futuro es muy parecido al - verbo to be "+ infinitivo" .en inglés

For example: Voy a aprender - I am going to learn.

Here are some examples:

I am going to dance - voy a bailar
You are going to sing - vas a cantar
He, she, or it is going to work - Va a trabajar.
You are going to drink - Usted va a beber.
We are going to speak - Vamos a hablar.
You guys are going to read - Vais a leer.
They are going to win - Van a ganar.
No te lo voy a decir = I am not going to tell you.
Me voy - "I'm off"or "I am going"

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The first line is an example word in English
The second line is and example word in Spanish.

Use this lesson to learn use the "going to" to speak about the future. - Vas a aprender mucho- You are going to learn a lot.

The Contents

Voy a visitar a mi tío el fin de semana.
I am going to visit my uncle at the weekend.
Mi hermana va a aprender italiano.
My sister is going to learn Italian.
No voy a tomar cerveza en la fiesta.
I am not going to drink beer at the party.
Vamos a pasarlo bien en la playa.
We are going to have a good time at the beach.
Nunca me va a pagar el dinero que me debe.
He is never going to pay me the money he owes me.
¿Vas a venir al restaurante con nosotros?
Are you going to come to the restaurant with us?
¿Van a venir el sábado?
Are they going to come on Saturday.
Voy a llegar a las 7pm.
I am going to arrive at 7pm.
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The Family
1 -25 of 800 Base Vocab
301-325 of 800 Base Vocab
Adverbios de tiempo
sound is active A 110